Men’s 4.0 Can Am Team—Winners, Casa Grande Division. Front row, left to right: Mark Shaughnessy, Allan Carpentier, Mike Fortin, and Rene Johnson. Back row, left to right: Team Captain Rob Barrett, Reg Lakness, Dave Barton, Kent Romeis, and Pat Kluckman. Not pictured: Kelvin Taylor.

Joyce Doorn, left, and Janett Kline, right (Photo by Jeff Doorn)

Yvonne Reynolds (Photo by Jeff Doorn)
As some of you may know, the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) started a few years ago and provides players a chance to experience competitive play without the expense of tournament fees and lengthy travel to far off venues. Our Robson Ranch Pickleball Club has participated in the APPL since 2020. This year was no exception, and we are pleased to announce the results of this year’s teams and players.
Congratulations to all our players, participants, and our winners alike! Robson Ranch distinguished itself nicely in the Casa Grande region of the APPL. Here are the standings, placement, and captains for each Robson Ranch team.
Place Level Team Name Captain Co-Captain
4th 3.0 M RR Men 3.0 Lynn Beatty John McCloud
4th 3.5 M Robson Raiders Joe Murauskis Henry Chui
1st 4.0 M RR Can Ams Rob Barrett
2nd 4.0 M Robson Ranch Kevin Milosevich
1st 4.5 M Robson 4.5 Scott Frank
4th (tie) 3.0 W Lob Stars Flo Van Volkom Laura Schaible
1st 3.5 W Rockin Ranchers Yvonne Reynolds Janett Kline
3rd 3.5 W Crazy Aces Susan Johnson Teresa Milosevich
2nd 4.0 W Chickaboom Barb Sewell Dawn Oaks
1st 4.5/5.0 MX Scott Frank
3rd 4.0 MX Up North Ali Frank Mark Shaughnessy
5th 4.0MX Mixing It Up Jim Uhrich Dave Amans
2nd 3.5 MX Mixed Troubles Sue McCloud Barb Wray
4th 3.5 MX Mixed Dinkers Cristina Campbell Wayne Bauer
The 1st place winners went on to compete in the State Championships held during the week of April 4. The 3.5 Women’s Rockin Ranchers lost in their play-off bid to get into the state championship, the 4.0 Can Ams Men’s Team placed 4th overall in the state championship games, the 4.5 Men’s Team, made up of Robson and outside community members, went on to place 2nd in the state championships, and the 4.5/5.0 Mixed Team, made up of Robson and outside community members, went on again to place 2nd overall in the state championship matches! Great job, everyone!
A special thank you to our team captains, who did a phenomenal job in getting the weekly line-ups and players together; Jim Reynolds, the Robson APPL community administrator, for coordinating our Robson teams; and finally to Brian Shipman, Casa Grande region league coordinator, for organizing all communities, matches, and players in the Casa Grande area.