December League golf events included the annual Red/Green Tournament on December 4. All golfers were randomly assigned to either the Red or Green team with everyone dressed in their Christmas outfits. The net team score event was very competitive with the Red Team winning. Everyone looked amazing!
December 11 the game was a team event, Best Ball Plus All 3s; a fun team event but lots of concentration when the Par 3s were being played. First place winners were Bellach, Brozek, Linderman and Van Volkom, second place: DeChristopher, Edge, Nielsen and Srenaski and third place: Carvallo, Kinley, Parker and Walton.
December 18 was another Best Ball event with a Blind Draw partner. Flight winners were First Flight – 1st: Candy Burtis/Shirley Eliuk, 2nd: Mary Nielsen/Susan Worner; Second Flight – 1st: Cathy Edge/Cindy Jensen, 2nd: Bobbi Johnson/Linda Valli, 3rd: Jean DeChristopher/Mary Pryor; Third Flight – 1st: Karen Connell/Ellen Fearing, 2nd: Regina Bellach/Mary Syer, 3rd: Raquel Carvallo/Betty Kumbera and Fourth Flight – 1st: Barbara Gayer/Pat Linderman, 2nd: Dema Harris/Gloria Lamere, 3rd: Debby Harris/Jerri Srenaski.
New members this month are Tina Fleming, Pati Palumbo and Sally Fullington. Welcome, ladies, to the Robson Ranch Ladies Golf League.