Fine Arts Guild member Melanie Douglas.
Rebecca McKinney
The Robson Ranch Arts & Crafts Spring Show and Sale was held Saturday, March 9, at the Creative Arts Center. The multi-talented artistic and crafting residents of Robson Ranch displayed their handmade items including members from the Fine Arts Guild (Art Club), Gourd Club, Ceramics/Pottery Club, Material Girls (Quilting/Sewing), Paper Crafting, Stained Glass and Desert Woodcrafters. There were also resident tables that showcased photography, jewelry, soaps/lotions and bottle cap magnet art. The clubs were very excited to show off their newly remodeled studios. The parking lot was full, shoppers came from all around the county and it was a beautiful day. A big thank you goes out to all the clubs for making this experience such a success for all who visited. Between the beautiful items for sale, the informational displays and tours; it was quite a refreshing change of pace. We hope everyone enjoyed venturing through all the studios and finding that special item to purchase. Mark your calendars for the Robson Ranch Arts & Crafts Fall Show and Sale in the Hermosa Ballroom on Saturday, November 16, 2019. More details will follow in the August/October timeframe for resident vendor signups.