Jaine Ellen Toth with her book Dizzy Izzy & The Red Witch: Memories of My Parents.
Dizzy Izzy & The Red Witch: Memories of My Parents, is Robson resident Jaine Ellen Toth’s book of anecdotal stories about her colorful and intriguing mother and father. After reading the manuscript, author Marlene Macke wrote, “You will find the stories endearing, poignant, witty, honest and insightful. You will laugh out loud and shed a tear or two. And when you finish it, you’ll think, ‘and I thought my family was eccentric!’ This is a delightful read.”
According to author Bill Alewyn, the stories are “A sheer joy to read. You don’t have to be one of the family to enjoy these heartfelt anecdotes of love and remembrance but, having read them, you will feel like one.” Educator/Actress Ladjamaya Green described the book as “A heart-felt reflection highlighting delightfully engaging slices of life full of relatable love, sorrow, joy and laughter!” And author Big Jim Williams suggested, “The book reads like a laugh-out-loud script Carl Reiner or Mel Brooks should buy and make into a movie. I’ll buy the first ticket if they do.”
You are invited to hear Jaine read some excerpts from the book and share why and how it came to be written at an author presentation and book signing Saturday March 30, 2019, at the newly opened Sheridan Studios and Gallery at Desert Rose, 1642 William Sears Drive, Eloy, AZ 85131.
For information, contact Jaine at 520-350-3966 or [email protected].