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Tape, scissors, go!

From left to right: Jaine Toth, Robin Tisinger, Doreen Beers, Chris Korenic, Pam Dunfee, Diana Sitker, Georgia Brosnihan, Pat Serveiss and Lorraine Walden; many others participated but missed being in the picture.

On Saturday, January 26 the Papercrafting Club got together to make cards for care packages that are sent to the Troops. The Papercrafters sent a banker’s box full of handmade cards that include sentiments such as Happy Birthday, Thinking of You, Just Because, Happy Anniversary, along with some cards with no sentiment. These cards will be sent to the Forgotten Soldiers Outreach Organization. The FSO is a non-profit organization that ships care packages with donated items and letters to United States military active men and women serving overseas. Some of the items included in the care packages are toiletries, food items, pens/pencils, playing cards, puzzle books, socks and insect repellant. The troops will be able to use these handmade cards to send back to their loved ones. Since so many cards were made, 50 cards were given to the Veterans Center in Casa Grande and 50 cards were given to the Veterans Center in Eloy. The Club works to keep the baskets in Casa Grande and Eloy full, so the veterans will have a resource to get a card at no cost. If you are interested in joining the Papercrafting Club, send Pam Costner an email at [email protected] for more information.