Larry Cronenwett, Darrin Ziegler, Don Klose
Bob Kehoe
The 2022-23 winter racing season ended for the Robson Ranch RC Club in late March. It proved to be another big success, despite having quite a few race day postponements due to the abnormal amount of rainfall we had. Averaging 30 to 35 racers each Tuesday and Thursday, fierce competition, camaraderie, and fun were the rewards.
Much of the credit for this success goes to Don Klose, who filled the role of Race Director (assisted by Darrin Ziegler) during the season. Don kept everything running smoothly, including our computerized timing and scoring system. Our dirt track surfaces, which often took a beating due to weather, were well maintained by Dave Renauld, Paul Jensen, and other volunteers.
Excluding practice days, our racers recorded a total of 34,240 laps for points on our oval track, which equates to 1,620 miles. On our road course track, we ran 17,791 laps for points, totaling 1,205 miles. In all, the club raced for roughly 2,825 miles—like driving roundtrip from here to Spokane, Wash!
The club’s summer racing season will begin on May 9 at 8 a.m. and will continue each Tuesday and Thursday through Sept. 7. Darrin Ziegler will take on the duties of Race Director. The club currently has a combined total of 96 aviators and racers. New members and spectators are always welcome, and our facilities are located right here at Robson Ranch.
For additional information, visit the club website at www.sites.google.com/view/rrrc.
2022-23 Winter Season Championship Points (top 3 by division)
Al Clark, 1,291
John McCloud, 1,268
Steve Awa, 1,260
Larry Cronenwett, 1,519
Dave Boysen, 1,319
Gene Oster, 1,308
Don Klose, 1,692
Bernie Blomer, 1,382
Bill Engler, 1,276
Four-wheel drive:
Bernie Blomer, 1,606
Bill Engler, 1,514
Paul Jensen, 1,286
Don Klose, 1,611
Bernie Blomer, 1,430
Jerry Lundberg, 1,284