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Preparations underway for 4th annual Veterans Day Golf Tournament and community festivities

Layne Jones

As most of our returning golfers know, this event continues to grow and has evolved into a week of activities for all Robson residents, including non-golfers; and we want to invite everyone to join in the fun!

Mark your calendars for the week of November 5 through 11 and watch for details in our Robson Views and Robson Web Blasts. Events this year include:

Raffle Ticket Sales: great prizes drawn on November 11. Purchase tickets before 9/1/15; ticket prices are 500 for $90; 250 for $50; 100 for $20.

Live Auction: fabulous items with professional auctioneers handling the bidding. If you didn’t attend our first live auction last year (auction items included two large landscape packages valued at $15K and $50K), please plan to join the fun; large as well as small bid items along with a night of entertainment, food and drink! The date and details to follow.

Veterans Day Golf Tournament: Early registration is now open; see the registration details below.

Additional participation: To provide a raffle prize or be a hole sponsor (tax deductible), contact Steve Anderson at 4675 W. Bryce Canyon Court, Eloy, AZ 85131; email: [email protected] or 770-331-6198.

Register your four-person team with Allen Crawford, c/o SOT-AZ, 5750 N. Robson Blvd, Eloy AZ 85131; email: [email protected] or phone 720-641-2751.

Please make checks out to SOT-AZ. Team application should include names, telephone numbers and email addresses of all four teammates.

Robson Ranch Championship Course; $70 entrance fee per player registering before August 31, 2015 provides 18 holes of golf, cart, coffee and donuts, lunch, range balls, goody gift bag, roving refreshments, raffle prizes, special “hole-in-one” Prizes for all par 3 holes and more!

Early Registration: All golfers registered by 31 August 2015, $70 per player; golfers registered after 31 August 2015 will be $75 per player.

Cancellation policy: If you are unable to play or provide a substitute, SOT-AZ will provide a veteran or military service member to take your place.

Support Our Troops – AZ is a Robson Ranch service club in Eloy, AZ that has provided over $60,000 in support to overseas troops, local veterans in need, some charities that assist wounded veterans and regional veteran support organizations.