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Notes from coffee with the GM – June 30, 2015

Sales Report: YTD 48 homes sold, 35 homes and 13 villas

Reminders: Golf Course ice machine is intended for use by golfers

Dogs are not restricted to the Dog Park. If you are walking your dog on the sidewalk or pocket park, please remember to have them on a leash and to pick up after them.


Summer Concerts

July 5 – Manilow/Midler (hugely successful!)

August 2 – Beach Boys Tribute

September 6 – Mike James Comedy Show

Monthly 5 O’Clock Somewhere with Margaret

Wednesday entertainment and $10 Burger Bar in Tack Room


Jim Deal has come on board as Facilities Manager. He is responsible for overseeing the maintenance staff and the maintenance of the buildings, landscape, common areas, pools etc. His office is in the Sports Club across from the Fitness Room. He is very approachable and has met quite a few homeowners already. You can talk to him directly if you have maintenance issues or contact the HOA office, and we will address the issues with him.

There are HOA communication forms at the front desks of the Sports Club and Ranch clubhouse that you can fill out if you have an issue/comment/complaint. It will be directed to the appropriate person, and they will follow up with you on the resolution.


There was some discussion about the proposed CAC 20.3% increase in property taxes and the upcoming curbside recycling. Eloy residents will be issued a second trash can for recycling, and both garbage and recycle will be picked up once a week on the same day. All this information will be sent to homeowners prior to October. Many at the meeting were not in favor of recycling or going to once a week pick up. Villa owners in particular are concerned about having two cans in the garage with garbage only picked up once a week. It was suggested that homeowners should become more involved in the politics of Eloy by attending council meetings so their voices can be heard. Council members will listen to voters. Go to www.CitizensForFairTaxation.com for more information on the proposed property tax increase.

It was asked if there will be street lights installed in the Scottsdale cul de sac in Unit 24, Aurora. No, all the street lights have been installed in Unit 24.

It was asked if we can update the equipment in the Fitness Room and the computers in the Computer Room. Both will be considered in the 2016 budget.

It was asked if can get Cox Cable in the Ranch. Orbitel has exclusive rights to cable in the Ranch.

It was asked when the dog park would be moved and when more tennis and pickleball courts would go in. It will not happen this year, and I don’t have a time line at this time.

The library needs more shelves. Since the IGA Food Town in the retail center will not have a RedBox, it was suggested that we add donated videos to the shelves for homeowners to share. We are looking into adding additional bookshelves to accommodate them as well as the many more books that are now stored in homeowner’s garages.

A concern was brought up about the placement of signs at Harris Hawk and Robson and on Robson at the turn into the Ranch headquarters. Both meet code.

Several issues were brought up about F&B: poor training of staff, inconsistency of food, extremely long wait times. It was felt that the problem rests with management. It was suggested that we have a meeting with F&B management staff only to address these issues. We are looking at that possibility.