The 2020 Raffle Quilt is finished, and tickets are available for sale. Pictured are Jodie Spillar, Joanne Johnson, and Susie Klopp, three members of the committee who made the quilt. Other members included Diane Bohmert, Lou Downey, Deb Ellis, Karn King, Donna Payne, Barbara Renthal, Kathy Riggs, Liz Seaman, Dottie Welsh, and Sharon White.
Marie Stuersel
The Material Girls held their general meeting on Friday, Nov 8, with a room full of members. New members were welcomed and those who were away for the summer were welcomed back. Members are enjoying quilting, sewing, and machine embroidery, with classes scheduled and taught by our very own Robson Ranch residents. A calendar of activities and classes is posted in the sewing room at the Creative Arts Center for those of you who might be interested in joining us and/or becoming a member. We welcome you to stop by any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and see the creativity taking place.
Now that the craft fair is over for this fall and the drawing was held for the 2019 raffle quilt, the 2020 raffle quilt is complete and tickets are available for sale in the sewing room and at special events in the community.