Officers, from left to right: Debbie Maxwell, Nora Shelton, Ruby Herman, and Jill Lui

Lorrie and Ben Parris
Nora Shelton
The Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club held their annual Christmas party luncheon on Dec. 13 in the Robson Ranch Grill dining room. We were at capacity with 80 attending! The ladies dined and enjoyed a glass of wine, compliments of the Ladies Social Club, while listening to harp and guitar music provided by Lorrie and Ben Parris, residents of Robson Ranch. Delicious cupcakes were served after lunch, also provided by the club.
In addition to the monthly luncheons that provide opportunities for social interaction among its members who are residents of Robson Ranch, the Ladies Social Club also provides philanthropic donations to the community through fundraising. The club also invites monthly speakers to present information on various topics of interest related to Robson Ranch and the local community. We are always happy to welcome new members to the club. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 11:15 a.m. in the Robson Ranch restaurant.