Left to right: Bonnie Carnagey, Peggy Morris, Robson Ranch General Manager Mike Taylor, Colleen Angle, and Alice Penner
Bonnie Carnagey
The Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club’s luncheon was held on Jan. 6. The Ladies Social Club was excited to introduce the new co–chairs for the board of directors for 2025-26. Peggy Morris and Colleen Angle have accepted these positions along with returning board members Bonnie Carnagey as secretary and Alice Penner as treasurer. We sincerely thank Nancy Glass for her dedication to the Ladies Social Club as past co-chair.
The Robson Ranch Ladies Social Club was pleased to introduce the guest speaker, Mike Taylor, general manager, Robson Ranch HOA. Mike spoke about the exciting renovation of the Fitness Center and other projects at Robson Ranch.
If you are interested in learning more about your community and other topics of interest, fundraising for worthwhile causes, and enjoying a wonderful lunch and meeting fellow Robson Ranch residents, please join us at the Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club luncheons, which are held on the first Monday of the month at 11:15 a.m. in the Robson Ranch Hermosa Ballroom. The next meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 3. Everyone is welcome to attend!