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Ladies Social Club December Luncheon

Bonnie Carnagey

The Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club’s luncheon was held on Dec. 2, 2024. The Ladies Social Club’s major fundraiser, the Christmas Tree Raffle, was held at the meeting and luncheon. We raffled four beautifully decorated trees and two wreaths. Raffle tickets were also sold there. The trees and wreaths were designed and created by Bonnie Carnagey and Alice Penner. The winners were announced at the luncheon and included Terri Auckland, Barb Wilson, Ivona Knutson, Jill Lui for Linda Balzac, Connie Koza, and Cindy Winders.

The members were entertained by Noble and Marks playing and singing Christmas songs. It was a truly enjoyable time for all who attended.

The new board of directors was announced at the meeting: Colleen Angle, Co-President; Peggy Morris, Co-President; Bonnie Carnagey, Secretary; and Alice Penner, Treasurer.

If you are interested in learning more about your community and other topics of interest, fundraising for worthwhile causes, and enjoying a wonderful lunch and meeting fellow Robson Ranch residents, please join us at the Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club luncheons. They are held on the first Monday of the month at 11:15 a.m. in the Robson Ranch Hermosa Ballroom. The next meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 6. Everyone is welcome to attend!