Inaugural Color Walk

Lois Moncel

Color celebration of spring! Recently the Sports Club hosted our inaugural Color Walk held on Monday, April 8. A huge thank you goes out to all of you who participated and to all those who volunteered their time to help throw or help organize the event. It’s a global phenomenon, taking place in cities all over the U.S. and more than 30 countries. The Color Walk inspiration comes originally from an ancient Hindu religious festival called Holi. Holi celebrates spring (the end of winter) and it also signifies forgiveness and the victory of good over evil.

We had approximately 50 participants who were doused with food inspired colored powder as they passed different stations. Our hope at the Sports Club was to create a less stressful, untimed walking environment that was more about health and happiness than competition. We hope that the Color Walk can act as a way to inspire continual healthy living. Come join us next year!