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From the Gourd Club—Bye Bye for Now

Debbie’s Bunny

Debbie’s Bunny

Martha Spillane

It’s time to welcome in summer. Cacti are showing off their blooms of vivid colors. You can hear newly hatched chicks singing for their next meal. There’s a hint of barbecue smoke filtering through the community. Caravans of mobile homes leaving Robson—some looking for a new travel adventure, some heading back to their home states. Either way, safe journey.

The gourd club says, “See you later, alligator,” to several of our members who have left for cooler states. We have several residents who have joined the club this year and have put out some really unique gourds. New member Michael Carroll is having fun creating thunder gourds for her grandchildren. She just finished a dazzling unicorn for her 5-year-old granddaughter. Janet Gerritsen (also known as “New Janet”), from Canada, showed off her artful talents. I hope she was able to get her gourds across the border without any problems. Keep your passport handy for your return in the fall.

Debbie Lanzilatti, we’re already missing your baked goodies and naturally your beautiful gourds. Jeannie Overgaard, safe travels north and congratulations on the upcoming marriage of your son. Kerry Treland, we’ll see you in the fall. Rosalyn Vier, we already miss your laughter, great smile, and hearing you serenade us on your American Indian flute in the studios in the Fine Arts building.

The gourd club will resume all educational classes in the fall. However, if you have a desire to learn the art of gourding during the summer, feel free to get in touch with us. We are in studio 3 of the Fine Arts building, Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sundays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m.