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Developer’s Cup Winner

Tournament winner Linda Walker

Tournament winner Linda Walker

Pat Mumy

A perfect day for golf, a terrific foursome, and a prayer to be disciplined and focused on each shot. Those were the keys for this year’s tournament winner, Linda Walker. The Developer’s Cup, sponsored by San Tan Golf Carts, is a net score event held each year by Robson Ranch Ladies Golf Association. Linda’s score, a 93 with a net score of 64, was her best round ever!

“The cup proudly sits in my living room, which unfortunately nobody can see because we are not entertaining due to COVID, but it’s a beauty,” Linda said.

Flight winners for the tournament were Susan Worner, Becky Sheffler, Cath Lewis, and Pat Jackson.

Closest to the pin winners, also sponsored by San Tan Golf Carts, were Susan Worner, Robin Barber, and Patti Baumann.

Congratulations to all!