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Dance, Shower, Repeat

Absolute Beginner Line Dance Class October 2021

Absolute Beginner Line Dance Class October 2021

Paul Gayer

According to dictionary.com, line dancing is “a dance to country music in which dancers line up in a row without partners and follow a choreographed pattern of steps.” However, today’s line dancing is not just country music! Today, it involves so many other music genres.

At the Sports Club in the aerobics room, CJ and Kathy teach the intermediate and improver classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays; and on Wednesdays and Fridays, the absolute beginner (AB) and beginner classes are taught. Everyone is invited to join the AB class; however, it is requested that when you do join it, you commit to the entire session. Each week builds on what was taught the previous week, making it more difficult to keep up with the steps if any class is missed. Once you have learned the steps from the AB class, you’ll be able to begin moving up the levels, learning more difficult dance choreography at each level.

A new AB group started on Oct. 6; but if you missed it, don’t worry. The next AB class will begin in January 2022 for anyone who would like to learn fundamental dance steps and dance patterns. If you’re interested, email Kathy Devlin at [email protected]. You will need to join the Line Dance Club, which is $20 for the year. With your membership, you are able to attend every class and all the club-sponsored dance parties without an additional fee.

Mark your calendars: Thursday, Dec. 16, from 1 to 4 p.m. is the Line Dancing Christmas Party. It will be held in the Robson Ranch Hermosa Room. The club will be providing pizza and a glass of wine. You must be a member of the Line Dance Club to attend the party free of charge; guests of a member of the club will be charged $5 to attend. An All-Community Dance Party is scheduled for Jan. 22, and more information will be available in the future. Those are two opportunities where you can check out the Line Dance Club!