Desert Woodcrafts – Rami Mayron

Knitters Club – Judy Alt

Gourd Club – Hap Yoder – Kathy Roche

Ceramics/Pottery Club – Kathy Nelson
Agnes Wilson
The biggest craft show of the year will take place on Saturday, November 19, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Robson Ranch Creative Arts Center located just outside the entry to Robson Ranch. Clubs participating in the sale and show are the Desert Woodcrafting Club, Material Girls, Ceramics and Pottery, Gourd Club, Sewing Club, Paper Crafting and Knitters Club.
It is not often you have the opportunity to view the fabulous work of so many talented artists in so many various fields of endeavor all in one area.
The Material Girls will be holding a raffle for a king size quilt.
All studios will be open so this is also a great time for new homeowners to check out the wonderful facilities at the Center.
With the holiday season just around the corner, what better way to start your shopping for that hard-to-please aunt or that very unique gift for your significant other, or better yet something just for you?
So mark your calendar for November 19, and we will look forward to seeing you.