Kim Kubsch Ask yourself, “Do I have too much stuff? Are my closets and cabinets a mess? Do I really need all these clothes? How do I determine what to take with me if and when I decide to move? Do my kids want my stuff?” Now is the time to stop procrastinating, take action,…
Category: November 2020
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.November 2020
Dr. Saunders to Speak at AAUW Virtual Meeting
Barbara Stewart Dr. Bonnie F. Saunders, Interim President of the League of Women Voters of Arizona, will be our speaker at the Nov. 16 meeting of the Southeast Valley Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). The AAUW meets via Zoom, gathering at 4:30 p.m. with the program starting at 5 p.m. The league…
November 2020
Word of the Month: Groovy
David Zapatka The “59th Street Bridge Song”, known by many as the “Feelin’ Groovy” song by Simon and Garfunkel, came on the radio. I was asked if I knew the history behind the word “groovy” which led to this month’s WOTM, “groovy.” Groovy: ˈgrü-vē Adjective 1. marvelous, wonderful, excellent 2. hip, trendy Origin and Etymology: “pertaining to…
November 2020, October 2020
Some U.S. Army History
Ross Dunfee A group of investors from the Virginia Company of London established Jamestown, Va. (May 14, 1607) some 13 years prior to the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth, Mass. (Dec. 18, 1620). The Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery carried 105 passengers on a four-month voyage from England to the Virginia coast, arriving April 1607. As settlements began…
November 2020
Join the Needle Crafters
Diana Oleson The Needle Crafters is a group of people who love to knit, crochet, cross stitch, needle point, hand embroider, macramé, and now, weave. We love to teach anyone who would like to learn a new craft; we enjoy each other’s company and we learn new things from each other. It is cheaper than…
November 2020
The Walk to End Alzheimer’s and COVID-19
Terry Price November is here and many activities we have enjoyed and raised money for have had to make some changes! The Walk to End Alzheimer’s which would have celebrated their special 10th anniversary this year, needs to shift focus from the walk to philanthropic fundraising! There will be more information on Next Door as Nov. 14 gets closer. Alzheimer’s…
Front Page, November 2020
A New Club at Robson Ranch

Judi Mutal-Gove On Jan. 20, The Robson Ranch Jewelry Club was officially established. The goal of the Jewelry Club is to promote interest and training in the art of jewelry making of all forms in a positive and safe environment that encourages all skill levels. Membership is open to all Robson Ranch residents, both permanent…
November 2020
Relishing Pickleball: The Ready Position
David Zapatka One of the most common errors I see on the pickleball court is not being ready to play. What does this mean? Being ready to play means a number of things. It means being focused on the point at hand. Paying attention to debris on the court, listening to what someone is saying,…
November 2020
Using Essential Oils in Your Laundry Routine
JoAnne Gaudioso Doing laundry may not always be the most exciting way to spend your time, but it is a task everyone has to face on a weekly, or perhaps even daily basis. You can enhance your laundry routine with the cleansing power of essential oils. The first thing we want to do to make…
November 2020
Veterans Day
Ross Dunfee The bloodiest conflict so far in history, five years from June 28, 1914, to June 28, 1919, was finally over. Suffering, misery, and carnage caused by The Great War, (World War I), would cease. World War I claimed between 15 and 22 million lives from more than two dozen countries, including 117,466 U.S. and 66,996 Canadian…