Pastor Larry Sundin June is the wedding month. Weddings are wonderful events full of life, love, and hope. After all, when a couple say their vows, they are putting their hope in God to help them fulfill the promises they are making on that day. I love this, because if it were up to us…
Category: June 2023
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.Religion, June 2023
The Importance of Eschatology

Pastor Frank DeFusco Last month, I promised a lesson on the Seven Churches in Asia Minor as depicted in the Book of Revelation, but had to alter my plans. But take heart, I will be teaching verse by verse from this amazing book on Friday mornings in October. Why this book? Because Jesus makes it very…
Sports, June 2023
Summer Golf at the Ranch
Pam Mumy Beat the heat and tee off early with the Robson Ranch Ladies Golf League (RRLGA) this summer! The Ladies League moves to Monday beginning in June, with tee times starting at 6:30 a.m. The best part? Anyone can join us—no handicap or RRLGA membership required. Questions? Contact Becky Sheffler at [email protected]. Becky will give…
Sports, June 2023
Relishing Pickleball: The Drop Shot
David Zapatka Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, it is time now to learn about the drop shot after learning about the overhead smash the past two months. Mary Littlewood says the reason to hit a drop shot is to give the team deep in their…
Features, June 2023
Stay On Guard Against Scams
R.O.S.E. Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month. June is also a great time for seniors to travel and spend time with loved ones—and the fraudsters know it! They are looking for ways to take advantage of vulnerable individuals. Seniors are often the target of scams due to their trusting nature. Therefore,…
Features, June 2023
Word of the Month: Cenote
David Zapatka Reading in the Quest magazine recently, I came across the word cenote. Cenote—si-ˈnō-tē noun: a natural pit or deep sinkhole in limestone resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath with a pool at the bottom that is found especially in the Yucatán Peninsula. Origin and Etymology—Mexican Spanish, from Yucatec ts’onot…
Generals, June 2023
Peach Ice Cream, Lotería, Movies! What a Summer!
Looking for something new or fun to do this summer? New Adventures in Learning is offering quite an array of classes and opportunities for your cool enjoyment. Peach Ice Cream to Die For! Say what? Come find out when Gene LaRiviere reveals the facts. Lotería? No, that is not a typo! It is a centuries-old…
Generals, June 2023
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the July edition is June 9 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines, or if you have questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Generals, June 2023
Fireworks Not Enjoyed by All
Linda Lyon Celebrating our nation’s Independence Day is great fun for most of us, but not usually for our four-legged friends. In fact, more pets get lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. This results in a surge in our shelters, or worse yet, animals running loose and perhaps…