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Pastor Larry Sundin

June is the wedding month. Weddings are wonderful events full of life, love, and hope. After all, when a couple say their vows, they are putting their hope in God to help them fulfill the promises they are making on that day. I love this, because if it were up to us to fulfill our vows alone, we might all fail miserably. But the good news is that God wants our marriages to flourish. And there are a number of good reasons why.

First, God knew it was not good for man to be alone. So, God fashioned woman out of man to be the perfect complement for him, and the perfect companion for her. When two come together a unity of spirit, mind, and emotion is formed, where each person is known, loved, and admired for who they are. For when you’re always seeking what’s best for your spouse and they’re always seeking what’s best for you there’s a joy, a security, and a satisfaction that’s found nowhere else.

Secondly, God designed marriage to be the building block of a healthy and prosperous culture. In marriage, families are forged in the fires of reality. With 2 a.m. feedings, thousands of diapers, hours of homework, and endless car rides—somewhere along the way, values are passed on, character is formed, and new adults take their place in society hoping to carve out their niche and do their part to leave this world a better place.

Thirdly, God designed marriage to give us a glimpse into what a relationship with Him could be. He gave us marriage to help us understand that His greatest desire is to be with us. He gave us marriage to show us that He wants to do good for us. And He gave us marriage to teach us how to love with mercy and build up with grace.

So yes, weddings are wonderful events to celebrate and enjoy. And I hope you get to celebrate one soon. Marriage is truly meant to be a blessing for your life. So, my hope is that no matter where you find your marriage today, you’ll treasure the gift God gave you. And my prayer is that you’ll let His mercy lead you and His grace inspire you to keep investing in the gift He gave you when you first said, “I do.” And I promise you, that’s one thing He will do, if you invite Him into your marriage today. May the God who wants your marriage to thrive give you more than you ask or imagine. And watch what happens! Blessings.