Category: Sports


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RRLGA Member/Guest Tournament Highlights

The “luck of the Irish” was definitely with the RRLGA ladies, as they were able to hold the member/guest tournament “Fifty Shades of Green.” After endless hours and months of planning, they were faced with the threat of not being able to host it at all, but the committee managed to pull off the two-day…

Ace for Candy Burtis

Regina Bellach Look who got her first ever hole-in-one at Robson Ranch Golf Course! Candy Burtis aced Hole No. 3 on March 12, from 130 yards, using a 3-Hybrid! Congratulations and cheers to many more Candy!

Softball Profile: Paul Lewinski

Paul Lewinski

Ken Muhlbeier Before Paul Lewinski became “Mr. Softball” at Robson Ranch, he was a struggling little league player in Schenectady, New York. When asked what position he played in little league, his response was “anywhere they could hide me.” Paul admitted he spent a good deal of time worrying less about performance on the field…

Community Softball Winners

Dixie and Artie Wachter The winners of the baseball contest at the Community Softball Party were Jean Goin and Nancy Glass. The girls beat out all the guys with answers to name that team. Here are a few of the 18 questions. 1. Heavenly Bodies_______________ 2. Beer Makers___________________ 3. Opera House___________________ 4. Huge Beings___________________ Good…

Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club Luncheon Highlights

Nora Shelton The Robson Ranch Arizona Ladies Social Club held their luncheon on March 9, 2020. The theme was St. Patrick’s Day, so many were dressed in green to celebrate the holiday. Our guest speakers were Monica Penzenstadler and Sylvia Cassity from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in Casa Grande. They provided information…