Category: May 2019


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Genealogy group news

Sharon Horton The genealogy group of Robson Ranch, Ropin’ In Yer Relatives, met at the home of Judi Mutal on March 19, for a potluck before the summer break. President Sandra Ristow recapped the year’s activities, speaking of informative guests that included a specialist on German research from the Family Research Center in Salt Lake…

Robson Ranch RC Club hosts flying demonstration

Butch Spiller On March 30, the Robson Ranch RC Club hosted a flying demonstration presented by a major manufacturer of RC planes, Flex Innovations. Two representatives of Flex Innovations, Jack Wilson and Bryce Hatfield, impressed the crowd of over 100 Robson residents with aerobatic flying including a real jet plane, biplanes and helicopter skills. Residents…

Wow! What a finish!

Dixie and Artie Wachter We finished a fun, successful community season with a great game and party on Saturday, March 30. Our next season will begin just after over-seeding in November. If you are interested to be on our mailing list, please sign up at the Sports Center in the book on the counter, or…

Superintendent of Eloy Schools addresses the RRLSC

The Ladies’ Social Club (RRLSC) had an inspirational guest speaker at their February luncheon meeting. Ruby James, the Superintendent of Eloy Schools, spoke about her childhood living in Eloy and of her professional career in education. Ms. James attended college on a softball scholarship and after graduating ASU, she came back to Eloy to care…

Word of the month: Cenotaph

David Zapatka I’m writing this column as I’m departing from Hiroshima, Japan on the cruise ship Insignia, part of the Oceania fleet. Having just visited the Atomic Bomb Dome and seeing the memorials to all those who lost their lives, I felt somber and my throat was constricted with the flood of emotions coursing through…

Robson Ranch Arts and Crafts Spring Show recap

Rebecca McKinney The Robson Ranch Arts & Crafts Spring Show and Sale was held Saturday, March 9, at the Creative Arts Center. The multi-talented artistic and crafting residents of Robson Ranch displayed their handmade items including members from the Fine Arts Guild (Art Club), Gourd Club, Ceramics/Pottery Club, Material Girls (Quilting/Sewing), Paper Crafting, Stained Glass…

New website launched

Melani Caron, CAAM, CMCA, General Manager As announced at the March Coffee with the GM meeting, the Northstar website was launched on April 1. It’s important to note that our previous website,, is no longer accessible as of March 31, 2019. Your initial sign-in will require your member number. * If you have a…

AZ Pathfinders trip notice

Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five-day tour (Monday–Friday) on September 30–October 4, 2019, to the Colorado Plateau. Join us for an adventuresome tour to this region and meet Hopi and Navajo artisans and learn about their art and culture. This is a wonderful opportunity…

Charles & Co. receives honor

Auto-Owners Insurance is pleased to announce the the Charles Co. & Associates Inc. of Sun Lakes, Arizona has been named one of the Top 10 growth agencies for the company in Arizona for 2018. The agency was recognized at a luncheon meeting in Mesa and at a reception with all regional associates, where they and…