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Calling all pinochle players and those who wish to learn

Larry Kostroski

From October 1 through April 30 the RR Pinochle Club is holding lessons every Friday evening from 6:20-9:00 p.m. in the Sports Center. We are looking for individuals who have never played pinochle and those that have not played in years. Club play includes the following game options: 4 Handed Double Deck; 5 Handed Triple Deck; 6 Handed Triple Deck.

With all of these games available we can usually accommodate any number of players. Table seating is determined by random card selection so you will have an opportunity to meet new people each week and try different versions of this old card game.

The Pinochle Club is chartered through RR and does not charge dues. Additionally we do not play for money. Participation in the club is based on a “first come, first served” basis due to limits on seating and decks of cards. The officers of the club are Larry Kostroski, John Fischer and Clyde Smith.

Instructions for play, pinochle rules and a “crib sheet” will be distributed to all players. Inexperienced players can be assigned mentors who will sit behind you to answer your questions and advise you until you are comfortable. When you are comfortable you are also invited to attend the club’s regular scheduled time on Mondays year round from 6:20 to 9:00 p.m. Monday night players are required to contribute a nominal monetary contribution to the club for the replacement of playing cards, pads of paper, etc.

If you wish to learn how to play or refresh your skills, please feel free to attend. If you have any questions please call Larry Kostroski at 520-421-2129.