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Understanding the Food and Beverage policy

From the HOA Office One area confusing to new homeowners during HOA orientations is the yearly $300 food and beverage minimum requirement. This month’s article will attempt to clarify and provide a simple explanation of how it works. Every year between January 1 and December 31 each household is responsible for spending at least $300…

Faustina live drama coming to Chandler

Don’t miss Faustina, Messenger of Divine Mercy, a Saint Luke Productions live theatrical one-woman, 90-minute drama being presented on Sunday evening, January 10, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Hamilton High School Auditorium in Chandler, Arizona, sponsored by Sun Lakes St. Steven’s Respect Life and Divine Mercy Ministries. Audiences experience firsthand the spirit and life…

Robson Unplugged January 13

John Sutton Our first Robson Unplugged event scheduled for January 13 in the Grill is quickly approaching. We have an exciting lineup of local talent ready to put on a show for you. We’ll start the evening with Wally Waluk. Come listen to Wally as he shares his stories through his songs written from the…

National Mah Jonng Card update

The National Mah Jongg League cards must be ordered by February 1. All players should contact Mary Beth Fisher at [email protected] for more info or to drop off cash or check made to Mary Beth Fisher who acts as a collector. When a group orders through a collector, any excess money above the cost of…

The sewing room is buzzing with activity

The Robson Ranch Material Girls are back in full swing. We have close to 60 members. The members have been sewing up a storm over the summer in preparation for the Craft Show and also making tops for our charities and comfort quilts. Also during the summer months some new members were trained to use…

A Crafty Storage Solution

(Family Features) A desk or workspace is one of the most difficult spaces to organize. Between the things you need to keep within reach and the mementos and treasures you want close by, chasing away clutter may feel like a losing battle. Especially when surface space is at a premium, try turning to your walls…

Pottery Guild Silent Auction helps local students

Left to right, back row: Beth Durfee and Janet Bloam, RR Pottery Guild, Toltec Superintendent Dr. Bryan Mccleney and third grade teacher Mrs. Allison; the front row consists of Toltec students.

Janet Bloam and Beth Durfee The Pottery Guild had its first sale and auction in October. The proceeds from the auction, along with matching funds from CORR, made it possible to buy enough visual art supplies to fill a large table. Toltec School is in our district and has no funds for an art program.…

Casa Grande RC Flyers support charities

Robson Ranch resident Loretta Sutton and Roberto, both representing The Valley Humane Society, accepting cash and product donations from the flyers and visitors at the field.

Alan Friedman The Casa Grande RC Flyers’ celebration of National Model Aviation day at their field raised money and supplies in support of The Valley Humane Society. Past recipients of the club’s community service have been The Casa Grande Food Bank and The Wounded Warrior Project. The club hopes to do more to help give…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood news

Suzy Ziegler Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood invites you to join us for the first meeting of the new year, a presentation by Merle Nudelman, a lawyer, poet and educator. The meeting is January 21, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel House in Sun Lakes. Merle has published four books of poetry with Guenica…