James Moore
June 10 marked the beginning of the 2016 season of Friday Night Golf. Friday night golf has been a tradition at the Ranch since 2008.
Every two weeks during June, July and August, golfers of all levels gather to play 9-holes of golf, meet new neighbors and have dinner at the Grill and laugh at themselves.
For the initial outing the organizers chose a game called alternate shot, or as we golfers like to call it “divorce golf.”
This is not serious golf. The games are designed to be fun for every level golfer from the low handicapper to those that don’t have handicaps. It is more social than serious golf. Because of the design of the games the 9-holes usually takes less than one and a half hours. And the price is right. If you do not have an annual golf membership or a summer pass the price of golf for this summer’s season is currently $5.
We had a tremendous response to the initial outing with well over 50 golfers. The organizers worked with the Grill to arrange for a limited menu that could be pre-ordered to allow for quick delivery.
This event will repeat itself every two weeks and you can sign up for an event in the Pro Shop.