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Adopt-A-Street program gets underway .olunteers needed

Gaile McCuaig

The first cleanup of the 2017-2018 season took place on October 14. This pickup was scheduled to coincide with Eloy’s Fall Cleanup. We had 16 dedicate.olunteers. They picked up 28 bags of trash along Jimmie Kerr Blvd. as well as on a portion of Overfield Road adjacent to the Ranch. They also picked up 13 1/2 pounds of aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the Desert Woodcrafters Club. Marv Enerson crushes all the cans and removes the pop tops. The pop tops are donated to the Ronald McDonald House.

A huge thank you goes out to the following Robson Ranch residents: Patty Bruchez, Nick Pike, Bob Baker, Linda Walker, Barb Crawford, Donna and Brad Payne, Bill Meyer, Peg Brady, Linda Sue and Kent Jensen, Robert Otto, Jim Grey, Paul Nelson, John Gluch and Marv Enerson.

Special thanks to Paul Nelson who helped with transportation, water and supplies. Since we did this on a Saturday we also had assistance from the Robson Ranch Patrol. Steve Andrews did a great job.

The Adopt-A-Street program is headed by committee chair John Gluch who is not only a Robson Ranch resident but is also an active member of the Eloy Edge Group. I serve as the coordinator for scheduling an.olunteers.

To become a member of this great group contact me, Gaile McCuaig, at [email protected] or simply sign up at the Sports Club when the next cleanup is scheduled in a few weeks. We are always looking for new members. This group makes a huge difference in the appearance of the approach to Robson Ranch from either direction.