The Adopt A Highway cleanup crew
Gaile McCuaig
The final cleanup for the Adopt A Highway season occurred on April 14 with 22 great volunteers doing cleanup on Jimmie Kerr Blvd. as well as on Overfield Road.
They collected 18 bags of trash and six pounds of aluminum cans. Marv Enerson takes the cans to the recycling center with proceeds going to the Desert Woodcrafters Club. For more information on the recycling center contact Marv at [email protected].
A big thank you goes out to the following Robson Ranch residents: Tom Harris, Chris and Jaclyn Marshall, Pat Carlberg, Tommy Yotsuuye, Bill and Patty Sturgeon, Dorothy Fitzsimons, Ted and Jill Lui, Charles Kocher, Beth Schroeder, Bob Burton, Paul and Judi Lewinski, Patty Bruchez, Greg Knutson, Bruce Thompson, Anne Woods, Lorna Watts, Marv Enerson and John Gluch.
Our Robson Ranch Patrol member, Walt, assisted with transportation, water and supplies. Thanks so much.
The Adopt A Highway program is headed by committee chair John Gluch who is a Robson Ranch resident and an active member of the Eloy Edge Group. I serve as the coordinator for scheduling and volunteers.
This cleanup season we had 37 different volunteers assist, and we are so appreciative of their time and effort.
To become a member of this special group contact me, Gaile McCuaig, at [email protected] or simply sign up at the Sports Club when the next cleanup is scheduled in the fall. We are always looking for new members!