What’s Your Silver Lining?

Silver Lining dance class

During the summer months, Robson Ranch Line Dancing Club offered a new class, Silver Lining. This newest addition to the classes offered by the Line Dance Club became an instant hit with many signing up for it.

Cj had been thinking about the people who love to dance but for one reason or another are unable to participate in the currently offered classes. That’s when Silver Lining was created. Line Dancing has many benefits. In addition to being good exercise and a fun social activity, it also includes balance, improvement in coordination, increased bone strength, as well as a mental health boost. Silver Lining does all of that using slower-paced dances and step choreography. It’s great for someone who is coming back from an injury, an illness, or just enjoys a slowerpaced class.

The Line Dance Club also offers four other leveled classes. Absolute Beginners (AB) is for the person who is just starting; then Beginners, for those who have taken AB. As you progress, High Beginners and Improver/Intermediate classes are available for the more experienced dancers who want faster dances and more detailed choreography. All are taught in the Elevate Studios; Cj and Loralee are the instructors. The cost for all classes is $25/year dues, Line Dance Club membership fee.

Watch for information on upcoming classes in the Robson Ranch CG HOA MidWeek Scoop.