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True Expressions of Love

Susanne Perry

Is love a scary thing? Not so much an act of expressing love or the feeling it provides, but are we afraid of the word itself? Love is a constant companion in many aspects of life, but have we slowly restricted its meaning and practice? John Lennon said All You Need Is Love but did he mean it?

Do we hesitate to offer love to anyone other than a significant other, a family member, or a close friend because in our present day and age it might be wrongly perceived, or we might be embarrassed?

Love comes in many formscompassion for someone whom we don’t know well who is experiencing challenges or dealing with hardships, the form of brotherly love for which the city of Philadelphia was named, and the agape love that was practiced by the early Christians. There is the love that a parent feels for their newborn, regardless of what power placed that child in their care. Many feel love in the form of concern for hungry children half the world away or the little ones living in poverty right down our street. It’s love that makes us act on their behalf. What of the love and support that child’s parent needs because they struggle, sacrifice, and constantly worry?

When we think of love is it the romantic sort? Young people, driven by hormones, swearing they are in love with each other, forget that love and physical passion or desire exist exclusive to each other. Love and physical passion enhance each other but some learn this too late, while others never learn it at all.

There is a kind of love that is reflected in empathy and service. I recently streamed an episode from a BBC series that portrayed a young nun who was also a district nurse in a poor section of London. She insisted on remaining with a man of unknown faith who was dying of tuberculosis because in her mind, no one should die alone. As the man passed, the nun opened the window of the room where he lay, to allow his soul to leave. The sister then offered a short, silent prayer, without inflicting her own beliefs out of respect for him. True compassion was provided to a fellow human being out of a profound form of love.

As we approach another year’s beginning may we remember that love can be an expression of care, a giving of ourselves, regardless of our individual beliefs. Can we try to continue to celebrate the new year by giving time and energy in pursuits outside of our own close-knit worlds? Can we share our own good fortunes with people who might not have the ability or resources to provide the same for themselves? And can we share without expecting anything in return, not a pat on the back, no recognition? Can we share with others only to make ourselves feel a little warmer inside?

Susanne Perry is a member of Write On … , the Robson Ranch group of writers. She is the author of novels and short stories.