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Thoughts to Begin the New Year

Pastor Ash Dotson

Happy New Year from Oasis United Methodist Church! I am Pastor Ash Dotson and you are invited to join us each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Laredo Room for worship! Let’s begin the year with love!

John 7:17-18: “Anyone who resolves to do the will of God will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own. Those who speak on their own seek their own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and there is nothing false in him.”

Do you consider yourself open-minded? When speaking, do you speak from your head, your gut, or your heart? Are you willing to admit when you might be wrong? More importantly, are you willing to seek the truth, even if it contradicts what you already believe? These questions lie at the heart of this passage.

Humans are complex, like a great puzzle. In my pastoral experience, I’ve encountered individuals, even church leaders, who resist exploring unfamiliar or unconventional sources of Christian teaching. Even when these sources are time-honored and respected voices of faith they are often dismissed simply because they don’t align with ambiguous norms of the Western Church.

Much of Western Christianity has taught a dualistic, right and wrong, rigid system. For some, faith becomes bound by ego-driven beliefs that don’t leave room for the vastness of God’s grace and gifts. Tragically, those holding these narrow views, especially church leaders, can discourage others from deepening their faith or exploring its richness beyond these confines.

This kind of egoistic, rule-based religion is precisely what Jesus confronts throughout the Gospels. Over and over, he challenges the religious norms of his time, teaching that what God desires is not rigid adherence to rules but faith rooted in love flowing from the mystical heart, the soul’s deep and sacred connection to God.

The journey to this mystical heart begins with an open mind. It requires us to compare our experiences with our understanding of faith and to engage with teachings that may come from unexpected or even challenging sources. Often, these “unfamiliar” voices are also seeking God, and can help us in our journey.

Faith isn’t about being smart in the head; it’s about being wise in the heart. As humans, we cling to what is familiar and comfortable. We fight to preserve these ways, even when they’ve failed us throughout history. Jesus tells us that if we truly want to know God’s ways, we must listen with open hearts. Through listening, we learn to discern what is from God and what is not.

Jesus assures us that we, too, can realize the mystical connection we have with God. But the key is to move beyond intellectual reasoning and learn to discern with the heart—the mystical heart—where God dwells. Faith calls us to shift from head-centered thinking to heart-centered being, for it is in the heart that we encounter the living presence and love of God.