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Things to do around Arizona

Courtesy of VisitArizona

For more events go to http://www.visitarizona.com/events-calendar.

July 1-30 Happy Birthday, George! 100 Years of Inspiration (Prescott – Phippen Museum)

Happy Birthday, George! 100 Years of Inspiration – Phippen Museum, a special exhibition commemorating the 100th birthday of its namesake and first president of the Cowboy Artists of America, George Phippen, this exhibit offers a comprehensive presentation of George’s drawings, paintings and sculpture and also provides a rare glimpse at sketches never before seen by the public, $5-7, 928-778-1385 or http://www.phippenartmuseum.org

July 1-30 Hwééldi Baa Hane’: Our Truth, Our Stories (Tsaile- Dine College – Ned Hatahtli Museum)

Hwééldi Baa Hane’: Our Truth, Our Stories – Dine College – Ned Hatahtli Museum, includes photos that were taken at Fort Sumner, NM, between 1862-1868, the exhibit includes exclusive excerpts of the stories and experiences of Navajos on the Long Walk and includes two poems and a short documentary on the Long Walk, 928-724-6981 or http://www.dinecollege.edu

July 1-July 5 128th Annual Prescott Frontier Days & World’s Oldest Rodeo (Prescott – Prescott Rodeo Grounds)

Eight rodeo performances, Arizona’s largest rodeo parade, kiddie parade, arts and crafts show, food, rodeo dances, 7:30 and 1:30 p.m. select days, 928-445-3103 or 866-407-6336 or http://www.worldsoldestrodeo.com

July 1-July 31 Cool Summer Nights (Tucson – Arizona Sonora Desert Museum)

The desert at night, different themes and activities each week, check the website for updates, free with museum admission, Saturdays, 5-10 p.m., 520-883-2702 or http://desertmuseum.org

July 1-July 5 29th Annual Navajo Nation 4th of July Celebration & PRCA Pro-Rodeo (Window Rock)

Rodeo, carnival, dance, concerts, arts and crafts sales and a fireworks show, 928-871-6647 or http://www.navajonationfair.com

July 1-July 31 Arizona Snowbowl’s Scenic Skyride (Flagstaff – Arizona Snowbowl)

The easiest way to see northern Arizona is by taking the skyride, ranger talks at the top, Fri-Sun., $10-15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 928-779-1951 or http://www.arizonasnowbowl.com

July 1-July 31 Journey (Flagstaff – Coconino Center for the Arts)

Featuring the artwork of Sei Saito, an accomplished Japanese artist living in Flagstaff, Saito creates large-scale acrylic paintings ranging in size as big as eight feet tall, http://flagartscouncil.org

July 1-July 31 Intimacy of Faith (Tucson – Arizona State Museum)

Feature the private collection of the Giffords family, collection contains some of the best examples of this type of Mexican religious folk art found north of the international border, http://www.statemuseum.arizona.edu

July 3 -July 5 9th Annual Flagstaff Art in the Park (Flagstaff – Wheeler Park)

Featuring tightly juried one-of-a-kind fine arts and fine crafts designed and shown by the exhibitor, food vendors, regional and local entertainers, bounce houses, and a petting zoo, free, Fri-Sat 9 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun 9 a.m.–4 p.m., http://www.flagstaffartinthepark.com

July 3 -July 5 35th Annual Prescott Rodeo Days Fine Arts & Crafts Show (Prescott – Courthouse Plaza)

A juried show featuring 150+ juried on-site artisans and crafts persons from across the Southwest, music and entertainment, Fri & Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun 9 a.m.–4 p.m., 928-443-5220 or http://www.prescottdowntown.com

July 3 Annual Show Low Deuces Wild Rodeo (Show Low)

Cowboys and cowgirls from Arizona and surrounding states compete in events including bull riding, barrel racing, bareback riding, team roping, saddlebronc riding, and tie-down roping 7 p.m., 928-537-3883 or http://www.deuceswildrodeo.us

July 3 -July 4 17th Annual “For the Love of Quilts” Show (Pinetop-Lakeside- Hon-Dah Resort)

Features more than 100 handmade quilts on display and for sale, a vendors mall, $5, Fri 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., 928-368-5567

July 5 Hualapai Mountain Park (Kingman)

Every first Sunday of July and August beat the heat and travel up the mountain to Rec. Area #1, free, 9 a.m.–3 p.m., 928-681-5700 or http://www.gokingman.com

July 9 The B-Side Players (Tucson – Sea of Glass Center for the Arts)

An 8-piece Afro-funk Latin fusion band from San Diego. Ten time winner of the San Diego Music Awards for Best World Music. The B-Side Players are a living and breathing cultural art experience for the mind body and soul, $17-22, 7:30 p.m., 520-398-2542 or http://theseaofglass.org

July 10 -July 12 8th Annual Medieval Mayhem in the White Mountains (Pinetop-Lakeside – Mountain Meadows Recreation Complex)

Celebrating the Medieval times/Dark Ages and the Renaissance all rolled into one, features period dress, food, music, dancers, merchants, sword fighting demonstration and more, different vendors, attractions, groups and guilds come to play, $5-10, Fri-Sat 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.–5 p.m., http://www.azmayhem.com

July 10 Evening Forest Walk (Prescott – Highlands Center for Natural History)

Bring the whole family for an evening adventure exploring the forest, free, 7 p.m., 928-776-9550 or http://highlandscenter.org/

July 10 -July 12 30th Annual Summer Showcase Arizona Antique Show (Flagstaff – Coconino County Fairgrounds)

$3, Fri-Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 602-717-7337 or http://www.azantiqueshow.com

July 11 18th Annual Prescott Indian Art Market (Prescott- Sharlot Hall Museum)

Showcases authentic Native American art, chosen by an American Indian artist jury, around 100 artists are expected to participate, featured will be ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, paintings and hand-woven baskets and blankets, entertainment and mouth-watering fry bread will also be highlights, $10 and kids are free, 928-445-3122 or http://www.sharlot.org or http://www.facebook.com/PIAM.4U

July 11 Audubon Bird Walk (Prescott – Highlands Center for Natural History)

Beginning and experienced birders welcome, free, 7:30 a.m., 928-776-9550 or http://highlandscenter.org

July 11 Opening Reception: Vanishing Circles (Tucson – Arizona Sonora Desert Museum)

A selection of timeless works depicting disappearing wildlife of the Sonoran Desert, featuring the newest acquisition of the Desert Museum’s permanent collection, 2 p.m.–4 p.m., 520-883-2702 or http://desertmuseum.org/arts/gallery.php

July 11 Cool Summer Nights at the Desert Museum: Astronomy Night (Tucson – Arizona Sonora Desert Museum)

Join the experts from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) for a star-studded adventure, enjoy special astronomy presentations and take time out to star-gaze through telescopes at a variety of locations, also enjoy presentations of Creatures of the Night featuring nocturnal Sonoran Desert animals, free with admission, 5-10 p.m., http://desertmuseum.org

July 16 Naturalist Chautauqua Series – John Muir (Prescott- Highlands Center for Natural History)

College professor Doug Hulmes, who won an award for outstanding presenter at the National Wilderness Rangers Conference in Colorado for his stunning performance as John Muir, will share his remarkable story with you, registration required, $8-14, 6:30 p.m., http://highlandscenter.org

July 18 -July 19 18th Annual Arizona Highland Celtic Festival (Flagstaff – Foxglenn Park)

Celebrating all things Celtic, music, piping, athletics, whisky tasting, educational workshops, vendors, historical reenactment, clans and societies and a kids area, $15 or $25/2-day, Sat 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.–4 p.m., 928-556-3161 or http://www.nachs.info

July 18 Chillin’ on Beale St. (Kingman- Historic Downtown)

Old fashioned block party/car show every third Saturday of the month, features a car show with dash plaques for all participating cars, raffles, poker walks and music provided by a DJ, proceeds go to the Cruiser’s Halloween Bash for all Kingman kids, 5:30-10 p.m., 928-897-6039 or http://www.kingmantourism.org

July 18 -July 19 Patriot Tour – Presented by the Nation of Patriots (Williams)

Thousands of Americans carry one U.S. flags through 48 states in 100 days to honor America’s Armed Forces, http://www.experiencewilliams.com

July 18 -July 19 Peach Mania Festival (Willcox – Apple Annies)

You pick tree ripened peaches and apples, all-you-can eat pancake breakfast 7:30-10:30 a.m., peach ice cream, peach pie, 7:30 a.m., free, 520-384-2084 or http://www.appleannies.com

July 18 Plants-of-the-Bible Guided Tours (Superior – Boyce Thompson Arboretum)

Learn about botany, history and scripture on a walk alongside volunteer and Bible scholar David Oberpriller, $5-10, 9:30 a.m., 520-689-2811 or http://arboretum.ag.arizona.edu

July 24 50’s & 60’s Graffiti Gold Show (Sedona- Sound Bites)

A 90-minute trip back to those special days of Rock ‘n’ Roll, music and memories with Tom Tayback and the Daddy O’s, $20, 7:30 p.m., 800-838-3006 or http://GraffitiGoldShow.com

July 24 -July 25 Annual Pioneer Day Celebration (Snowflake)

Arts and crafts fair, parade, car show, BBQ, rodeo, dances, kid’s entertainment, theatrical performance, pioneer day run, softball league tournament, fireworks display, 928-536-4331 or http://www.snowflaketaylorchamber.org

July 24 4th Friday Art Walk (Prescott)

15 galleries stay open late and offer food, musical entertainment, artist receptions and painting demonstrations, http://www.artthe4th.com

July 25 11th Annual National Day of the American Cowboy Celebration (Sedona – Uptown Sedona)

Enjoy “a whole lot of cowboy goin’s on,” gunfights, roping, cowboy action shooting, historical re-enactments, musical revues, storytelling, poetry, cowboy/cowgirl outfit contest, country music and performances, presented by Sedona Main Street Program with the “Red Rock Posse” and area businesses, free, 11 a.m.–8 p.m., 928-204-2390 or http://www.sedonamainstreet.com

July 25 -July 26 6th Annual Garlic Festival and Benefit (Dragoon – Triangle T Ranch)

Food, fun, games, prizes, crafts, garlic cooking contest, farmer’s market, special appearances by the gang at Doc Holiday’s Gunfight Palace from Tombstone, benefits Wounded Warriors and Make-A-Wish of Arizona, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., 520-586-7533 or http://www.azretreatcenter.com

July 25 Night Wings at Pima Air & Space Museum (Tucson – Pima Air & Space Museum)

Pima Air & Space Museum hosts tram rides until sundown; a walking tour of indoor hangars; hands-on aviation-related activities for kids, 8 p.m. last admission, the Flight Grill will be open for dinner until 8:30 p.m., 5-9 p.m., after 4 p.m. $10 adults; children 12 and under free, 520-574-0462 or http://www.pimaair.org/news-events/event/416-night-wings

July 25 -July 26 Watermelon Weekend (Willcox – Apple Annies)

Enjoy a free sample of super juicy and super sweet watermelon, guess the weight of the watermelon and you could win a free watermelon for guessing the correct weight, guess the EXACT weight of the watermelon you are purchasing and you can have it for free! (one guess per family), http://www.appleannies.com

July 25 -July 26 Peach Mania Festival (Willcox – Apple Annies)

You pick tree ripened peaches and apples, all-you-can eat pancake breakfast 7:30-10:30 a.m., peach ice cream, peach pie, 7:30 a.m., free, 520-384-2084 or http://www.appleannies.com

July 29 -July 31 24th Annual Southwest Wings Birding & Nature Festival (Sierra Vista – Cochise College)

Guided tours, field trips, seminars, vendors, displays, lectures, bat stalks, owl prowls, displays, arts & crafts, Joel Greenberg is the keynote speaker, http://www.swwings.org

July 31 Sedona Hummingbird Festival (Sedona – Sedona Performing Arts Center)

Presentations by hummingbird experts in many interest areas: science, gardening, photography, conservation and regional species studies, and tours, $17 for 1-day presentations pass; 3-day presentations pass $45; children under 12 free with a paying adult, 800-529-3699 or http://www.sedonahummingbirdfestival.com