Deborah Dorman
“Calendar Girls” by Tim Firth was the third production of Theater at the Ranch, a resident production company at Robson Ranch Arizona. Audience size has grown steadily from 580 in 2023, to 610 for 2024, to over 650 for the most recent production. Community support makes it possible to do these shows, which cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 or more to present. Among cast and crew, 37 residents participated in mounting the production.
“Calendar Girls” provided some unique challenges, including over 100 costume pieces and six women changing costumes 12 times. The props were also numerous and challenging. All of this was probably due to the writer’s background in screenwriting, where the tech side of the show is quite different than on stage (or backstage). People in the show had to appear partially nude several times, without showing anything for real. The one scene of the calendar shoot took four hours to “block,” which means planning who moves where and when.
The crew learned new programs for sound and lighting technology for this show, and the cast learned how to use body microphones, which provided superior sound, but needed special belts and a sanitizer machine, as well as clear surgical tape to apply. It took about an hour each night to get the microphones set up on each person. There was also a special effect needed of letters dropping from the sky, which was accomplished with a bag made for balloon drops and fishline to open the bag from backstage. On the tech side, the boundless assistance of Mike Casey, who works for the HOA to run all the tech, was invaluable. Also, some new lighting equipment was installed the week before the show, so the lighting design was redone to use these truly wonderful additions to what was available. The new lights can be operated remotely by computer to move, change color, and do other special effects, and provide needed lighting for the front of the stage.
The story was true, about some older women who decide to do a nude calendar to raise money for charity. So this cast and crew actually shot a calendar, thanks to photographer/cast member Peggy Lee, which then needed eight hours of work with Photoshop and several hours of calendar design by Peggy and Deborah Dorman, the producer and director. The calendars were sold to raise money for the Cancer Support Community—AZ. Almost 100 calendars were sold, and $1,000 donated to the group.
In addition to doing one major production each year, the first weekend in February, Theater at the Ranch provides workshops and hopes to do some trips to shows as well. Belonging to the group requires only your name, email, and phone. For more information, contact Deborah Dorman at [email protected].