Cynthia’s Agave

Cynthia’s Cacti

Green Dragon

Becky’s Lighthouse

Nancy’s Mosaic
Diane Williams
Whether it’s a stained-glass cacti garden, a beautiful Mexican pot mosaic, or enrolling new members; the club is growing!
In these uncertain times members of the club have the safety of everyone entering the studio as a priority to ensure all guidelines of the HOA are followed. We are constantly seeking ways to further enhance existing practices to further ensure everyone’s safety.
If you’re looking for a new hobby or would like to brush up on existing skills, we have an answer for you. We are now offering New Member Beginner Classes and following up with our Comprehensive Learning Program. The New Member Beginner Classes offer an overview of stained-glass techniques and the Comprehensive Learning Program delves into the skills to build a beautiful stained-glass piece.
We offer an endless variety of glass crafts, such as foiled stained glass, leaded stained glass, 3-D pieces, nightlights, suncatchers, pot stakes, jewelry, Kleenex boxes, decorative soldering, spinning yard art, mosaics, and the list goes on and on.
The club has partnered with a glass shop in Phoenix, SWArt Glass who offers our members a 10% discount on purchases. Members order online in the comfort of their home (no going to a shop) to purchase glass, tools, and many other stained-glass items. Purchases are delivered for free on the second Friday of each month to the studio. Another feature offered by the club is a deep discount on solder and foil that can be purchased at the studio.
Please contact Beth Sulek-LaHousse at [email protected] to learn more about our classes and to answer any questions you may have.