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The first annual Denim and Diamonds fundraiser was a success: over $7000 donated to charity

Committee members standing from left to right: Mary Beth Fisher, Sue Ray, Connie Drew, Julie White, Shelley Miller, Alicia Mooney, Wanda Baker, Vera Cannella, Fiona Altman, Annie Schiller and Mary Beth Smith; Kneeling: Debbie Cuvelier, Barb Wilson, Kay Andrews and Sandy Carpenter; Not pictured: Paula Gaspard.

Debbie Cuvelier

The inaugural Denim & Diamonds to raise funds for The Glenn Garcelon Foundation was held on March 16, 2019, at Robson Ranch Hermosa Ballroom. One hundred fifty-nine guests enjoyed a fun evening of live music by the Time Bandits, a pasta buffet, raffle, share-the-pot and door prizes. Thank you to all who attended, to those who made donations and to our sponsors, who helped raise over $7200 for brain tumor patients and their families. Our warrior board acknowledged those people who have faced the struggles of living with a brain tumor. This 501(c)(3) non-profit helps these warriors with grants to support them and their family/caregivers with day to day expenses.

We will be planning and gathering raffle items over the year for next year’s event to be held in March 2020. Please plan on joining us.