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The 2020 Census is Here

The 2020 Census began March 12. This year, you can fill out your Census forms on computers, tablets, and even on your smartphones. Every household in the United States should have received a card in the mail from the Census Bureau, with instructions and a Census ID number. The ID number will make it easier to fill out your form online.

The Census is very important to our community. When you complete your Census form, you will have the following impact that will last for the next ten years:

* Census data is used to determine where schools, roads, hospitals, childcare centers, senior centers, and other services will be built.

* Information from the Census is used to determine how many representatives Arizona will have in the U.S. Congress. More representatives equal more say in Washington.

* For every person who is counted in Eloy, we gain $3,000 every year from the U.S. government. Over the decade, that comes to $30,000. The money goes to the state, the county, and the city of Eloy, and is used for programs such as WIC, SNAP, CAHRA, Head Start, Medicare, and school lunch programs.

If you spend most of the year here in Robson Ranch, please list this address as your home. If you travel a lot and don’t have anywhere you stay for great lengths of time, and April 1 finds you here at Robson, again, please show your Robson Ranch address as your home. Remember that the information you enter is secure.

If you would like more information on the 2020 Census or need assistance in filling out the census online, or you’d prefer a hard copy to fill in and mail, please contact Jerry Stabley at the City of Eloy, [email protected] or 520-466-2578.