Tag: knitting


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Not Your Grandmother’s Knitting!

Diana Oleson Knitting has changed a lot over the years. You can knit a bracelet using yarn or wire and beads, or knit a motif for a sweater or dress; all it takes is your imagination and a desire to learn something new. With hand embroidery, you can bedazzle a jacket, blouse, or hat with beads or…

Knitting and Espionage

Knitting Morse Code

Diana Oleson As far back as 1914, women have knitted for soldiers during war time, so it wasn’t uncommon for a woman to be sitting at her window knitting and watching the passing trains. As a train passed, she would make a bumpy stitch, for one type of train, then, when another passed, she would…

Join the Needle Crafters

Diana Oleson Happy Fourth of July! In May’s Spry Living there was an article titled “Knit Away Anxiety.” It stated that knitting is therapeutic because of the repetitive movements, which is relaxing. Some research has shown that online global sales of knitting and crocheting kits increased by more than 75% at the onset of the…