Veterans recognized for their service
Martin Bender, President, SOT–AZ
In addition to posting 636 American flags on the main boulevards of the community on March 29, Vietnam Veterans’ Day, Support Our Troops–Arizona (SOT–AZ) presented a “Salute to Our Veterans” program to give recognition to all military veterans living in Robson Ranch. Two hundred forty Robson Ranch residents attended the event that featured patriotic music by the Robson Ranch Musicians, the presentation of checks from SOT–AZ to two veteran support organizations, and the presentation of commemorative lapel pins to all Robson Ranch military veterans.
Support Our Troops–Arizona has been designated a commemorative partner in the Department of Defense Vietnam War Commemorative Program. That program is focused on thanking and honoring all veterans who served during the Vietnam Era, between 1955 and 1975, regardless of duty location.
Eighty-five Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard Vietnam Era veterans were present at the SOT–AZ event. An additional five veterans whose tour of duty was prior to 1955 or after 1975 were also called forward to the Hermosa Room stage to receive thanks and applause for their service in uniform.
Support Our Troops–Arizona is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to providing support to our active-duty military, veterans, military families, veterans organizations, and military related community programs. At the March 29 event, a $5,000 check was presented to the Casa Grande HOHP (Honoring/Hiring/Helping Our Heroes of Pinal County) veterans’ assistance organization for their work helping veterans in need in Pinal County. A second check for $5,000 was presented to the American Service Animal Society to help support their work to train and provide service dogs to disabled veterans.
More information regarding the events and activities of Support Our Troops–Arizona, along with the SOT–AZ 2023 Fundraising Campaign, can be found at SOT-AZ.org.