Left to right: Kelli Fitzgerald, Sue Waibel and Susie Young.
Doris Betuel
Usually things are quiet here at the Ranch after April. However, the Stained Glass Club (SGC) is buzzing with beginner classes, project days and “leading” (an advanced stain glass technique) classes. Since May, we have conducted three beginner classes for 14 happy Robson Ranch residents and are continuing the classes through September. The club is committed to working to see this trend continue.
Beginner classes have a new project piece each month to keep the excitement going. In May, it was a tulip plant stake; June was a beveled red, white and blue plant stake and July will be a kite suncatcher. Becky Sheffler conducts the summer beginner classes and welcomes any input on new projects that residents may want. In addition, Sue Waibel provides a leading class a few weeks after the beginner classes. This is an advanced technique for larger pieces, such as windows or panels. The leading class is provided free of charge to members.
Upcoming events include a raffle in November as well as the December craft sale. The club is supported financially by beginner classes, raffles and sales events. The SGC budget is used to purchase member supplies and capital equipment such as soldering irons, glass grinders and other equipment.
Drop by any time on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a tour of the studio and to ask questions about stained glass or to meet members. We are always excited to see new faces in the studio and show off what the club is about. We have a lot of laughs and never have a dull moment. If you are looking for a new hobby or to brush up on existing stained glass skills, then swing by and say ”Hi.”
Contact Becky Sheffler at [email protected] for additional information.