Visitors from Eloy: Toni McCants, Ladjamaya Green, Doris Rasmussen and Roger Rasmussen
Jaine Toth
Do you ever wonder what different religious traditions teach on various topics? Do you think they’ll differ a lot or be very similar? Do you believe that understanding the teachings of different faiths could break down barriers, help eliminate prejudice and promote tolerance?
Spirit Lifters, so called because we all feel pretty uplifted by the end of the afternoon, is a monthly gathering at which we take turns reading what the texts of different faith traditions have to say on a selected topic. Program titles have included: “A Tranquil Heart,” “Always Stay Humble and Kind,” “The Eternal Life of the Soul,” “Let There Be No Strangers,” “Tests, Difficulties, and the Mysteries of Suffering,” “Reverence and Awe of the Sacred,” and “The Vesture of Courtesy,” among many others. Most attendees take the printed program home with them for further reflection.
You are most welcome to join the group, which meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the home of Don and Jaine Toth, 5385 W. Pueblo Drive. Music and/or music videos that address the theme are usually included, and sometimes poetry or visual art is shared as well. Everyone is welcome to bring something to share: a poem, a song, a writing, a personal story that fits that month’s subject. Discussions are always enlightening.
Some of the regular attendees, when asked what keeps them coming back, had similar responses. Lynda Yoder likes, “…the spirituality of it. It’s peaceful; it’s relaxing; it’s informative,” and Nancy Sloman, who with her husband Rich, comes in from Eloy is drawn by, “The calmness, the ambiance, the peacefulness.” She also appreciates, “the fellowship with others of different backgrounds, cultures, religions, their coming together as one cohesive unit to express their spirituality.”
Bob Skier said, “Spirit Lifters allows one to contemplate on all the good things God has given to us in his creation. One also learns the relationship among the beliefs of many religions and realizes that they all preach peace and love of mankind and nature. Participants in Spirit Lifters take reminders of the truths of religious beliefs and are given a chance to incorporate these beliefs in their daily lives.” Pat Paulsen echoed those sentiments, “I so enjoy Spirit Lifters because it has opened my eyes to the similarities between religions. It provides me with topics to reflect upon beyond our get-together, and I so enjoy the camaraderie!”
We welcome your participation. For further information contact Jaine at home: 520-350-9381; cell: 520-350-3966; or email: [email protected].