Two book clubs joined together to discuss My Antonia by Willa Cather
For the fifth summer two book clubs, The Sonoran Sisters Literary Guild and Reading Between the Wines, met to share their thoughts on a book that’s considered a classic. This year the book chosen was My Antonia by Willa Cather.
Each book club shared in providing the wine, appetizers and desserts as well as the author study, facilitator and discussion questions. This year the hostess was Joanne Heiman from Reading Between the Wines. A great discussion took place as the characters and their actions were analyzed from their adolescence to adulthood. What made this book so unique was the setting in 1918 in the American West.
Although this book is the final book in Willa Cather’s prairie trilogy, My Antonia is considered one of her best works. She was praised for bringing the American West to life.