Patty LaCroix, Walt Krahl, Mike Smith, Jim LaCroix & Susan Simon
It may be winter, but Eloy, Arizona rarely sees snow. That didn’t stop the Tennis Club at Robson Ranch from hosting the Snowball Tennis Social on Saturday, January 12, 2019. Who else but an Arizonian would plan an ice cream party in January?
About 26 tennis players came out to the courts at 10:00 am to participate in the Tennis Social. The intercommunity tennis social/mini-tournament paired teams to compete with friends and neighbors in friendly competition! Women’s and men’s doubles were played the first two hours; mixed doubles was played the next two hours. At the end of the four-hour play, everyone enjoyed an ice cream sundae.
The third Friday of every month is Friday Night Social. We play tennis from 4:00-6:00, and then we head to the Fireside Room to enjoy dinner and drinks together. For any other information regarding the Tennis Club, please contact any executive board member. Check out the bulletin boards to get their contact information as well as other details about the Club such as the play schedule.
New to tennis or recently returning to tennis play? We have a ball machine where you can practice your shots and hone your skill. Again, any executive board member can get you started. See you on the courts!