Ready to tee off! Pictured, from left, are Linda Walker, Judy Brozek, Mary Kindt, Bobbie Johnson, Fran Fowler, Becky Sheffler, Rhonda McGree, Pam Mumy, Susan Worner, Candy Burtis, and Jean DeChristopher.
Pam Mumy
Each year, our Robson Communities sponsor an annual Robson Challenge Tournament, a team competition between the Ladies Golf Associations from the Arizona Robson Communities. The Robson Ranch Challenge Team is made up of 12 team members who have qualified by playing on the established play dates throughout the year. The game is hosted by a different Robson Community each year, and is normally played in November. It is an honor to be selected and to play in the Robson Challenge!
For the second year in a row, the tournament was canceled due to COVID-19. While disappointing, it didn’t stop our Challenge Team from holding our own tournament here at the Ranch. Foursomes competed in a fun net score game, followed by lunch in the Grill.
A new team will be selected for next year’s challenge to be held at Tuscany Falls in November 2022.