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Rock Springs Life

Larry Sundin

Rock Springs Church is people helping people become friends and followers of Jesus. And lately we’ve seen God help us as His people fulfill our vision as a church in three of these areas. First, at the beginning of August we entered into a prayerful and financial partnership with a new church in Ocean Beach, California. That church is called Regeneration Church and is led by Pastor Mark Porter. Mark came and spoke at Rock Springs in August and shared with us how God is working through their church to invade the drug culture of their beach town to see lives changed for eternity by Jesus. We are looking forward to see how God will continue to develop our partnership with Regeneration Church in the coming months.

Second, we’ve begun laying the groundwork to partner with Santa Cruz Valley Food Bank in Eloy. In September we discovered their greatest need was for meat products. They have a large freezer and refrigerator that are empty. So at the end of September we took an offering for the purpose of filling their freezer with chicken and ground beef as well as providing over 2,000 diapers and baby wipes. In October we filled that freezer with 1,000 pounds of chicken and 468 pounds of ground beef. But this is just the beginning!

Third, we continue to see God change lives here through the people of Rock Springs. What a joy it was to pull together a baptism service in just a few days and see how many people came out to support and pray for Debbie Hatcher. And we can’t wait to see how God continues to mobilize His people to love and serve the people of Robson Ranch and community around us! You are always welcome to join us for worship every Sunday in the Hermosa Ballroom. God is on the move to bless the world through His people! And remember, you can always check us out online at www.rockspringsrr.com. God is good and very much alive at Rock Springs Church!