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Rock Springs 10th Anniversary

Larry Sundin

On Feb. 2, Rock Springs Church gathered to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to us over the past 10 years. We began our morning by enjoying a wonderful brunch together. After a time of quality worship, Pastor Larry led us through a history of Rock Springs, by sharing this Scripture from Psalm 86, “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15. Then highlighting a number of areas of God’s faithfulness, including the gathering of over 520 worship services together.

A couple of key areas of God’s goodness over the years have been some of the many outreach and mission projects of Rock Springs. Over the past 10 years our Food Bank Ministry has contributed over $32,000 to the Eloy Food Bank, and given countless hours to help distribute food to needy families. We have also given to several relief projects through Samaritan’s Purse to provide resources to help those impacted by fires and natural disasters: The Paradise Fire in California, Houston Flood Relief, Ukrainian War Relief, Turkey Earthquake Relief, and Hurricane Helene Relief. We’ve also sent teams on three different occasions to serve with Regeneration Church in Ocean Beach, Calif., to help with their ministry to street people. And not to forget that over the past 10 years we’ve packed and shipped over 18,000 shoeboxes to children around the world through Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child ministry.

Another great highlight on that Sunday morning was hearing the testimonies of some of our people who have been blessed and impacted by the people and ministries of Rock Springs. Dave Douglas came back from South Carolina to share how God moved to start the Church and how Operation Christmas Child began. Linda Walker shared the impact of how God has caused her to grow spiritually by taking on a leadership role with our Journey Groups. Steve Bishop also shared how God has helped him grow spiritually through our Church. We also heard from John Campion, Katrina Sugar, and Alex Tommerup as to how God is working in their lives through our Church. John shared how he didn’t just find a church in Rock Springs, but a family. Katrina shared how her group made an instant sacrifice to make sure she was always included with them. And Alex shared how Rock Springs is truly a community where we can live out our faith together.

We concluded our celebration with a message on how the Church is the hope of the world. How the Church is God’s vehicle for including those who are far from God; How Jesus loved us enough to give us new life, so we can bring new life to others. And how Jesus is transforming us to become more like Him, so we can be conduits of grace to a world devoid of grace.

God has been so good and faithful to Rock Springs Church. We are blessed to do life together as His people. And one of those blessings is that there’s always room for more in His family at Rock Springs. So, why don’t you join us this month as we begin our next steps together. Rock Springs gathers every Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Hermosa Ballroom. We’d love to have you join us.