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Robson Unplugged

John Sutton

Our last evening of Robson Unplugged for this season (in the Grill) will be on April 1, from 5-8 p.m. The date is quickly approaching, so be sure and put it on your calendar to come out and support our local musicians. As always, your support is appreciated and our success depends on you.

For April, we will start the evening by featuring a new band making its debut appearance. This group of four musicians known as The Necker Knobs (now there is a term that will take you back to your more youthful driving days) hope to bring the house down with your favorite 50s and 60s songs. You won’t want to miss being the first audience to hear this group.

In the second half of the evening we will feature Rick Moore and his horns. Rick is a retired music professor and has formed his own one-man-band, by using big band and combo backing tracks. He will play trumpet, trombone, saxophone, and clarinet. The sound is amazing, and if you close your eyes, you’ll think you are listening to a live 15-piece orchestra similar to the Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey era.

As the season closes out, I want to say thank you to all the musicians who have contributed to another successful year. Our Christmas concert included Trish Ambrose, Connie Koza, Richard Harris, Becky Sundin, Julie Casey, Skip Syer, and Randy Heuvelman. Our February concert featured Trish Ambrose, Connie Koza, The Girls Next Door, and Sierra Sound with Kim and Ken. The Grill was standing room only on both nights. Many thanks to the musicians and our residents who came out to support them.

We look forward to seeing you for another exciting evening on April 1.