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Robson Ranch Republican Club Meets the Candidates

Conrad Tolson

Our special guests for April were Steve Miller, County Supervisor, District 3; Jill Broussard, County School Supervisor; Dana Lewis, County Recorder and Election Director; and Kathleen Winn, candidate for U.S. Congress, District 6. All will be on the July 30 primary ballot.

Steve Miller is an Arizona native, has been a Pinal County resident for 52 years, and our County Supervisor since 2013. He previously served more than 10 years on the Casa Grande City Council. The Board of Supervisors budgets, oversees taxes, roads, and other resources. He also has real-world experience as a business owner and contractor and knows what it takes to make payrolls. He has been active in promoting economic development and creating long-term employment for local citizens. He is particularly active in water resources, serving on several water committees.

Jill Broussard holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from ASU and a master’s in educational leadership from Northern Arizona University, graduating cum laude from both programs. Her office provides services and assistance to local school districts. Her passion for children is what drives her to work with the local districts to provide safe, enriching, and engaging opportunities to help prepare today’s youth to be tomorrow’s leaders, and she is fighting at the state and national levels to focus education on the basics.

Dana Lewis was appointed to the position of Recorder and Election Director about 1.5 years ago and she is now seeking election to that position. Her office has 50 full-time employees, and she oversees seven County Recorder office locations. She also helps certify elections officers and works with legislators for laws to promote election integrity. Unlike the two largest counties in the state that farm-out vote counting to third parties, Pinal County maintains chain-of-custody to prevent ballot box stuffing, and her office is continually cleaning voter rolls. In closing she reminded us of the Recorder Notification System which, if you sign up for the service, will notify you whenever something is recorded against your deed (fraud prevention).

Kathleen Winn is running against Juan Ciscomani in the primary election for CD6 Representative. She has been a Pinal resident for 48 years. Her priorities are supporting the police, securing the border, election integrity, emphasizing the basics in education, and doing more for vets. She said we need more accountability in government; for example, she said 60% of the defense budget is unaccounted for.

The Robson Ranch Republican Club meets monthly, usually at 9 a.m. on the second Saturday of the month. If you would like to visit our club to learn more about what’s going on in our community and state, contact Ceil Levatino at [email protected] for meeting times and locations.