Pam Dunfee in her home craft room
Jaine Toth
Pam Dunfee’s journey into papercrafting began with a desire to organize photographs while recuperating from a bout with cancer. Rather than just sticking them into an album, she decided to create an artistic scrapbook. The project ended up taking a couple of years. She purchased how-to books that also included sample layouts and stimulated her own creativity.
Once the scrapbook was completed, after recording the lives of their children from birth through graduation, Pam’s husband Ross retired. They sold their home in eastern Washington and bought a motorhome, becoming full-timers for the next eight years. The space wasn’t conducive to scrapbooking, but she found she could manage hand-crafted greeting cards. Pam is an encourager and likes to use her cards to boost the morale and outlook of others. Rather than make a series of the same card, she takes the time and thought needed to individualize each card so it is appropriate to the personality and needs of its recipient.
Once they were settled after moving to Robson Ranch, Pam joined the Papercrafting Club in January 2018. Though she has all the necessary supplies and equipment at home, she enjoys coming to the Creative Arts Center and being with the other members.
“Everyone is so nice to be with, friendly, sharing ideas, tools, expertise,” she said.
Pam hasn’t returned to scrapbooking. She strictly sticks to card making now. She especially likes the challenge of making cards for the charities the club supports since she still adamantly ensures each of her cards is one-of-a-kind.
“It gives me focus—inspires my creativity; I don’t like to make more than one of any design, so to come up with the large numbers of cards needed is demanding but welcome,” Pam explains.
Pam also is in charge of our presentations in the display window at the entrance to our suite at the Creative Arts Center. She updates the display monthly.