Second place team: Ben Blisset and Craig Spittel; net winners: Mary Kindt and Patty Bruchez and Bob Brozek; Robin Barber is not pictured

First place team: Larry Sundin and Jim Moore
Results from event on May 11, 2017
A beautiful evening (no wind!) was enjoyed by the participants in the May 11 mixed putting league event. The format was two-person teams, best ball. Handicaps, based on past RRMXPL play, were used to determine the net results. Come on out and join us this summer. Open to all!
The results:
First place, gross team: Larry Sundin and Jim Moore, 21
Second place, gross team: Ben Blisset and Craig Spittel, 23
First place, net team: Patty Bruchez and Mary Kindt, 18
Second place, net team: Robin Barber and Bob Brozek, 19
The “money hole” was not won. The organizers hoped that by making the hole a bit easier it might be won tonight. There were many very close putts, but no player made the hole in one.
The “money hole,” now worth $126, was carried over to the next league evening.
To sign up for the next event please contact Nick Pike at [email protected] or sign up in the Pro-Shop!
Thank you to all the participants!