Standing: Debbie, Susanne, Becky, Barbara, Linda, Debby; seated: Betsy, Bobbie, Julie; Missing: Jane
November 2, 2009, was the first meeting of the Reading Between the Wines and on Nov. 4, 2024, we celebrated our 15th birthday! Five of us are the original members of the book club, too. Lots of books have been read in the past 15 years!
Barbara Sewell hosted in December as we discussed the historical novel, “The Mesmerist,” by Caroline Woods, who was raised in Delaware and went to school with Barbara’s daughters. It’s always enjoyable to talk with the author, but we were very lucky to have Caroline facetime us from Chicago as she discussed the writing process and how she researched for this book.
To celebrate the Christmas holidays, we had a “white elephant” book gift exchange. Each woman brought a wrapped book, and numbers were chosen for the order. Books could be stolen, too. Maybe one of the books will be one of our chosen books next year! You never know! An additional surprise was when Barb gifted each of us this beautifully embroidered table runner, which depicts every book that we had read in 2024! Such an extremely special memento of our reading year!
Why not start a book club of your own? Find two other people who love to read; and before you know it, the group will grow!