Pastor Ed Brown is the most recent recipient of Eloy’s Service Award.
Pastor Ed Brown leads worship Sundays at 9 a.m. in the Laredo Room for Friendship Center Church.
Inspiring and insightful, Ed is also humble, approachable, and easy to get to know. His faith and commitment to Christ’s ways is deeply genuine. How do we know? Well, he is also the Founder of The Hope Coalition of Eloy, a local nonprofit charity. The Eloy Food Bank, General Educational Development (GED), homeless, and addiction recovery programs are all free services with no questions asked at The Hope Coalition.
For his efforts, Ed is the most recent recipient of Eloy’s Service Award for his efforts at The Hope Coalition, which has served so many of our sisters, brothers, and children in Eloy. It demonstrates his love and commitment to everyone, regardless of any distinctions or barriers people might erect. Interestingly, “The Good Neighbor Award” is the award’s title, echoing the Christian commitment to the second Great Commandment, “and love your neighbor as yourself.”
When asked to comment about The Hope Coalition’s work, Ed says of just two of their programs, “Last year we gave out over 15,000 meals at the Food Bank. The GED program has had six complete the tests to obtain their GED, and we have another 10 that should complete their GED this year.”
Ed certainly has a gift with people. Well-connected in Eloy and the surrounding regions’ leaders, he works to make a difference in interfaith cooperation with all clergy and faith communities, and with businesses and government leaders too. A “good neighbor” indeed.
What’s more, Ed is unpaid as The Hope Coalition’s leader. His paid job is working as Chaplain at the Arizona State Prison in Florence.
The Hope Coalition also has numbers of other loving volunteers. His right-hand person, his mother Alice, is the detail-oriented volunteer. When you meet Alice, you can see where Ed’s heart for others was formed in her compassionate faith.
Ed has become a good friend to many, including Pastor Ron Hunt, who will take the summer off from leading Friendship Center worship services.
First Sundays of the month this summer is Taizé worship at Friendship Center. It will allow Ed time off from his very busy schedule. Oh, and we didn’t mention, he also leads worship at 10:30 a.m. for First United Methodist Church of Eloy if you are a late riser.
Everything about Ed and Ron’s new friendship has led to a friendship between the respective congregations they serve, as well as The Hope Coalition. A cooperative ministry which we title, “Sister Church,” has formed. Clearly, all in each congregation believe Jesus taught us to ever be, “Loving God, and Loving Everyone, Everywhere.”
Finally, due to the growing friendship, Friendship Center and its members were inspired to give more than $2,000 to The Hope Coalition through 2022. We collect food every Sunday for the Eloy Food Bank, too. In addition, we committed to be major funders of their work again in 2023.
We hope many will come to visit Friendship Center worship services over the summer in the Laredo Room. If you do, prepare to be inspired to a meaningful faith that truly makes a difference!
Welcome to Robson, Pastor Ed.
God’s blessings to you all!
Friendship Center Church worships in the Ranch House Laredo Room and on Zoom at 9 a.m on Sundays. To learn more about Friendship Center, come by for a visit. Or you might call Pastor Ron Hunt at 218-330-5306 or email him at [email protected]. You can also visit Friendship Center’s website at friendshipcenter.net.